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  • Importing 3D models into game engines



Supported formats: OBJ, DAE and FBX
Recommended format: FBX or DAE



Drag model files into "Project" panel or add to your "Assets" project folder. Make sure to also import the "Textures" folder, if included.


Unreal Engine
Supported formats: OBJ and FBX
Recommended format: FBX



Click Import in the "Content Browser" panel and select a model.
For FBX models: Ignore the warning about smoothing groups, the model will work just fine.


Supported formats: OBJ, DAE, FBX and GLTF
Recommended format: GLTF



Copy model files to your project folder, if there’s a "Texture" folder make sure to copy that too.


Supported formats: OBJ, DAE and STL
Recommended format: DAE


File > Import and select the file format you’d like to import, then select a file.


Supported formats: OBJ, DAE and FBX
Recommended format: FBX



Drag model files into "Assets" pane or add click the plus symbol in the "Assets" pane and select "Upload".
*For OBJ models: Materials are unsupported.
For FBX/DAE models: Textures don't get applied, select the corresponding material and add the texture to "Diffuse".


Supported formats: OBJ and FBX
Recommended format: OBJ



Right click and click Insert Object > MeshPart.
Select the MeshPart and in the "Properties" pane click the folder icon at MeshID then select an OBJ model.
Note: Materials and textures are unsupported. Make sure to import texture files separately.

  • Importing characters and animations




  • Model import

Drag a model file (i.e. character.fbx) into the "Project" pane or add to your "Assets" project folder.
In the import settings change "Animation Type" to "Humanoid".
To be able to edit the material in some versions of Unity you will have to change the import settings for the model file; in the "Materials" tab select "Use External Materials (Legacy)" as location.


  • Texture import

Import the texture (i.e. character_texture.png) and select it as the main texture for the character model material.


  • Animation import

Import one of the animations (i.e. idle.fbx).
In the import settings of the animation select "Humanoid" as "Animation Type" in the rig tab.
In the animation tab change the following settings:
Enable "Loop Time" for animations that should loop
At "Root Transform Rotation" enable "Bake Into Pose" and set "Based Upon" to "Original"
At "Root Transform Position (Y)" and "Root Transform Position (XZ)" enable "Bake Into Pose"

In the "Project" panel right click and select "Create" and "Animator Controller" to create a new animation controller.
Select the character model in the scene view and select the newly created controller in the "Animator" component.
If you select the newly created animation controller you can add new animations in the "Animator" tab, see the Unity documentation. If needed make sure to enable "Foot IK" for each animation state.



Unreal Engine


  • Model import

To import a character model drag it into the "Content Browser" and use the default import settings. Make sure the skeleton option is set to "None".
To use included animations on a different model than character.fbx please see the Unreal Engine documentation for retargeting animations.



  • Texture import

To import a texture drag and drop it in the "Content Browser"
Open the material you want to apply the skin to (default material name is "Texture")
In the node editor add a new "TextureSample" node
In the "TextureSample" node under "Material Expression Texture Base" set Texture to the desired texture
Connect the "TextureSample" node to the materials "Base Color" node


  • Animation import

Always import the character model first (to create a skeleton)
In the import settings for the animation make sure the character model skeleton is selected




  • Model import

To import a character model copy it to your project folder, make sure to use (and/or download) FBX2glTF when prompted



  • Texture import

To import a texture, copy it to your project folder




  • Model import

Import the character model by clicking "Add Asset" in the "Assets" panel


  • Texture import

Import a texture, select the character model's material and set the texture as "Diffuse" channel


  • Animation import

Import an animation, add an "Animation" component to the character model and selected the imported animation clip.

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